Replace component with random components
Some may have seen this in the sketchup discussion section, but i thought it would be better placed here.
What do you think about a plugin that replaces one component with a selection of other components?
You could draw some siteplan, add "placeholding trees" and then replace these trees with a random selection of trees, and these randomly scale and turned.
Similar to component spray.
Or is it possible to make a group of construction points and scatter trees via compo spray on them (with a density of each point = one tree)?
Would maybe be nicer if you can place components to be replaced later, just for your personal imagination..
And later you can just: click, "ok, i don't like this look of the trees", so i click again and get a different variation.
Is it clear, what i wanted to say?
to me its clear, yes. One use for it too would be to replace thousands of windows on a skyscraper, with slightly different windows (lets say, some windows opened, others with curtains behind... it would also make it possible to create distorted glass reflections, among thousands of glass panels, without repetition)
I have asked that in a very detailed thread for a while!
The Spray component by Didier makes that but just for 8 components -
Glad you picked up the thread again!
There would be really lots of situations where you could use it. It would definitely add some feel of realism / naturality where otherwise would too much repetition which makes it "flat"..
Your topic, Pilou, started with a similar but very special need- if i got it right. It ended in the same wish. I didn't really understand the french part (my french is quite poor
) but anyway in the end the thread got lost?
I don't know how to use compo spray to achieve that. Maybe there is something i have missed?
I thought it randomly places selected components onto intersections of line- right? Different to "fur" which places components randomly onto surface..
It's great that you can check the options change angle and size to get more variation.I hope there will be a solution one day, would be so great to place trees and then:
quote myself:
"And later you can just: click, "ok, i don't like this look of the trees", so i click again and get a different variation." or for sure, use other trees as well..One vote from me for such a plug.
It would really be great to something like a "texture variationer" changing the texture of components slightly (dark to light, colors etc..). Similar but totally different..-edit- Ah, i just saw it, your thread was only 2 weeks before..
Take a look also to the function replace Component in place of the Normal UI
And also this funny plug by ThomThom Component Dropper
@unknownuser said:
I don't know how to use compo spray to achieve that.
If you take as new component a "component of components" you can have some possibilities!
My current work-around for this situation is to use Random Select and then the native Replace Component tool. Random Select can be found here: Automating this function in some way would of course be better.
@pilou said:
Just a little teaser
A cool guy has made the impossible!
I believe that he will publish soon his plug!
It works like a charm!
Here only with a familly of 4 positions / no limited
You call the plug and the sculpture change in a second ![attachment=0:7e4x0nf3]<!-- ia0 -->Rollem2.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:7e4x0nf3]
What happen to this plugin? Would be so great to have it... Will save LOTS of time
@unknownuser said:
What happen to this plugin? Would be so great to have it... Will save LOTS of time
The plugin was my ComponentReplacement which can be found on my blog page. Click the "plugin" link then click download. It requires that the "source" instances be given the same instance name and the "target" instances also have the same instance name. The instance name is accessible through the Entity Info window.